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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Caught Up Part 2

Beloved sons, 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18  states that those who remain shall be CAUGHT UP TOGETHER WITH THEM IN THE CLOUDS TO MEET THE LORD IN THE AIR.  This sentence alone should tell you we will not be raptured.   Let's break it down:

Who is them in the clouds?  Them refers to the Lord AND the Cloud of Witnesses He is riding on.  Keep in mind the Scripture says the Lord descended out of Heaven.  So the Lord and the cloud of witnesses comes into out atmosphere and after the dead in Christ rise first, we who are alive and remain will be changed (1 Corinthians 15) in a twinkling of a eye and be caught up or gathered unto the Lord.  So you have the entire House of God gathered together in the earth.  

Nowhere in Scripture will you find us leaving the earth to go to heaven and then returning.  That is not Biblical.  The Word speaks of only one return of the Lord, not two and for the Lord to rapture us out, He would have to bring us back and that makes two returns to the earth.  

In the last message on this, we will simply share Scripture after Scripture to re-enforce the false notion of the rapture. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

False Doctrine of the Rapture: Caught Up Part 1

Sons of God most people who believe in the rapture quote this Scripture a lot and over the next one to two messages we will put this in its proper context.

1 Thessalonians 4:14-18:  For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.  For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto  the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God.  And the dead in Christ will rise first.  Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus  we shall always be with the Lord.  Therefore comfort one another with these words. 

Let's start!  First notice the Spirit tells us that those who sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him.  So when Christ returns He is bringing everyone who died in Christ back to the earth.  The Scriptures say he is coming on a cloud.  That cloud is the Cloud of Witnesses, those who died in Christ.  
"Now if there was going to be a rapture and disappearance of the saints from the earth why would Christ bring those that had died in Him back to the earth.  He could have left them in Heaven and went and got those who are in the earth and brought them back."  

But as we can see that is not what God does, He brings those who had died in Christ WITH HIM TO THE EARTH.   Why?  To bring complete restoration to the being of the sons.  Flesh, soul and spirit will be in perfect order and the sons of God will have a incorruptible body.  But before we get there let us keep in mind that the angels told the disciples after the cloud received Jesus that He will come in LIKE MANNER.  So God is not going to just make us disappear….He is coming to the earth so that every eye shall see Him and every knee shall bow.  So He is coming into our atmosphere so that all will see Him.   No disappearing, just manifestation.  

False Doctrine of the Rapture: Left and Taken

Beloved, Luke 17:34-36 speaks of the one who will be left and the one who will be taken.  This is a very popular Scripture that people use to justify the rapture.  Now the mistake that many make is they interpret that the one who is taken is the one who is "raptured" and the one who is left is the one who is wicked.  The problem is this is backwards.  Now let me show you some Scriptures to justify the one being left is the righteous and the one taken is the wicked.  

Psalm 37: 9-11: For evil doers shall be cut off; but those who wait on the Lord shall inherit the earth. For yet a little while and the wicked shall be no more, indeed, you will look carefully for his place, but it shall be no more. But the meek shall inherit the earth and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace

Proverbs 10:30: The righteous will never be removed, but the wicked will not inhabit the earth.  

Matthew 24:39: And did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.  

These are just a few Scriptures, there are so many more.  It is time to fix our vision with sound doctrine.  We as the sons of God are not disappearing when the Scriptures say the creation waits for the appearing or manifestation of the sons of God.   

Monday, October 13, 2014

False Doctrine of the Rapture: Story of Lot

Sons, continuing in Luke 17:28-30 we see Jesus make reference to the story of Lot in Sodom and is referencing His return will be like the day that Sodom was destroyed.   Now let's do a refresher:  We know Lot was in Sodom and in Sodom there was much evil, sin and of course sexual perversion.  Abraham prayed to the Father for the sake of the life of his nephew Lot.  Of course God said that if one righteous man was in the city, He would not destroy it.  Well we know Lot, his wife and his daughters made it out of the city and God rained fire and brimstone on Sodom and destroyed the city and all of them that were in it.  

Notice the wicked was destroyed "taken" and Lot and his family, through the intercessory prayer of Abraham, was saved or "left".  Let me share this Scripture to drive this Biblical concept from this story home:

Psalm 1:5:  Therefore the ungodly SHALL NOT STAND IN THE JUDGMENT nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.  For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.  

The wicked will perish.  They will be taken, not the righteous.  Stay tuned we will continue to dismantle this false doctrine.  The ministry of Jesus Christ after the Baptism was to show the sons of God how to live in the Earth, not how to wait to disappear at the moment signs of trouble.  We are overcomes, more than conquerors!  Is not the grace of God greater than the largest enemy?  Then let us stop trying to escape and learn how to overcome!  

Sunday, October 12, 2014

False Doctrine of the Rapture: Theory #1 - Noah

Beloved Sons:  We are are going to dismantle this by the Scriptures.  Remember we are talking about the rapture, is disappearance of the saints pre or mid or post-tribulation.  So in essence we know we are talking about the return of the Lord.  Now let's first examine Jesus words in the passage of Scripture.  

In Luke 17:26,27 it speaks of just like it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man.  In verse 27 it speaks of what they were doing until the day that Noah entered the Ark and the flood came and destroyed them all.    Now Jesus gives us the point of reference as it pertained to his return and he started with the testimony of Noah.  We know from Genesis the the earth was full of wickedness and God found favor and righteousness in Noah.  God gives Noah the instructions to build the ark,  He warns the people of the coming rain but He was mocked by the people.  In Scripture, rain or water is the picture of the Word of God and the Scriptures say that the earth will be filled with the knowledge of God and this is by His Word.   

Now who was taken and who was left in the Scripture as it pertains to Noah?  Noah was left but the wicked were taken.   Remember just as wickedness filled the earth in that day, so should iniquity fully mature before the coming of Jesus Christ.  And in that instance the wicked were destroyed or taken off the earth, not the righteous.  I urge you to read, read, read the Scriptures for yourself and always use the context principle when seeking interpretation.   

Thursday, October 9, 2014

False Doctrine of the Rapture - Introduction

Patriarchal Wisdom - False Doctrine of the Rapture

Beloved sons, over the past 24-48 hours I have been dialoguing with saints primarily from the United States about the rapture.  There are many viewpoints on when the rapture will happen.  Some say it will be pre, mid or post tribulation.  First let me say, there will be no rapture.   Now as cut-throat and to the point that is, if you know me, I will let the Scriptures back that up and show you.  Many use Scriptures that say we will be "caught up" or we will be "gathered together".  But the rapture doctrine and theory is only 200+ years old.  This is why the first century church never mentioned anything about a "rapture".  Let me define what the church knows as the rapture so there is no confusion about what we are talking about over the next couple of messages.

The rapture doctrine speaks of Christ removing His church or as people know it…making the church disappear off of the earth while he punishes the wicked.  

This doctrine that people know as the rapture is only 200+ years old.  If we go back 200 years of course we would be in the time of slavery.  So would not want Christ during that time to come down and "take us away" from this oppression?  Of course now we have Hollywood cashing in on the ignorance of many by doing a movie with unbelievers called "Left Behind".   

Sons, please hear the instruction of a father…We are going to systematically dismantle this theory and all misinterpretation of Scripture pertaining to it.  Read, read, read your Bible… Search, search, search the Scriptures on everything that will be said.   Many sons have not come to maturity because they have been waiting for something that will not happen.  The Father is correcting the inaccurate to bring sons back in alignment with Heaven's will for us in the earth.  Think about this until the next message:  

We pray for the Kingdom to come down, so why are we trying to go up? 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Patriarchal Wisdom: Conflict and Character

Acts 14:22:  Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.

Beloved sons, conflict is one of the major ways that the Father matures us. Well you would say, how is that?  It is in conflict that the character of a Son is challenged and a major opportunity for the glory of God to be revealed.  Conflict is also an opportunity to draw closer to God.  It is critical for us not to default to the ways of the world in the midst of conflict because our ways (the ways of the world, soulish ways) are not His ways (Eternal) and because as Sons we are eternal beings, we need to respond how our Father would respond.  This is why Jesus would say, "I only do what I see my Father do".  When the Son does what the Father says and do, the glory of God is put on display.  Look at every time there was conflict with Jesus.  The manner in which he responded showed the people that He was sent from God.  This is how the world will know we are sons, in the manner we respond in conflict.   This is why we are called to love our enemies and those who despitefully persecute and use us.   

Embrace your conflict as an opportunity to grow in character and in the full stature of the Son of God.  You cannot get around this method of the Father.  Many will remain immature because they chose to stay comfortable and avoid conflict.  My sons, it is my desire that you grow by the word of His grace.  

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Patriarchal Wisdom: Word-Centered Household

Beloved sons, John 1:1-3 lays out how Creation was formed and we know it was formed by the Word of God.  Within our household, the Word is the center of all activity. It is not about the songs, outreach ministries, praise and worship teams, it has to be about the Word.  We are a doctrine-driven  household.  We let the Word determine our song.  It is the Word of God that frames our worship and praise.  It is the Word of God that frames and purifies our speech.  It is the Word of God that gives us life, identity and purpose.   Unfortunately in many church circles it is reversed and they adore the those things above the Word.  We will complain about a 25 minute sermon but will not complain about 25 minutes of songs, praise dances..etc.  

My sons, I do not want you to be a vessel of cliches with no substance.  You are called to be a vessel that dispenses the grace of God into the Earth and put on display the glory of our Father. You are His Son and in your maturity it is the Word that will help form Christ in you.   Let us attend our ear to the voice of our Father.