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Household of Calhoun

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Patriarchal Wisdom: Word-Centered Household

Beloved sons, John 1:1-3 lays out how Creation was formed and we know it was formed by the Word of God.  Within our household, the Word is the center of all activity. It is not about the songs, outreach ministries, praise and worship teams, it has to be about the Word.  We are a doctrine-driven  household.  We let the Word determine our song.  It is the Word of God that frames our worship and praise.  It is the Word of God that frames and purifies our speech.  It is the Word of God that gives us life, identity and purpose.   Unfortunately in many church circles it is reversed and they adore the those things above the Word.  We will complain about a 25 minute sermon but will not complain about 25 minutes of songs, praise dances..etc.  

My sons, I do not want you to be a vessel of cliches with no substance.  You are called to be a vessel that dispenses the grace of God into the Earth and put on display the glory of our Father. You are His Son and in your maturity it is the Word that will help form Christ in you.   Let us attend our ear to the voice of our Father.