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Household of Calhoun

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Wisdom for the Sons: Character: Humility

Matthew 5:3: Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven

The Scriptures say that God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble.  The Scriptures also say the "pride" of life, the belief that I can do it on my own, is not of the Father.  If we desire to lay hold of our inheritance who is the Father then we must humble ourselves.  Even when we receive revelation, receive it as a child and share it with love.  When we are humble it is easier to learn the ways of the Father.  This is the first character trait Jesus taught the multitudes on the mount.  The religious leaders carried so much pride to a point that they could not humble themselves before the King of kings in the flesh.  My son, pride will cause you to miss wisdom and revelation but most of all it will keep you separate from the Father.  Let us not be prideful and high-minded but humble and meek because it is the humble that will inherit the Kingdom and the meek that will inherit the Earth.  In this you are Blessed!  

Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Body of Christ
Household of Elijah - United States